Benefits of an AC Cleaning & Inspection.

Yes, it’s August, well past the time most people think about hiring a professional AC technician to perform preventative maintenance on their system. At this point, they’re far more likely to put if off – again? – until next spring.

The logic appears to go something like this: “If it’s working fine now, it should do equally fine right through the end of the cooling season.” Well, if you’re one of the relatively small percentage of people who have your system inspected in the spring AND clean or replace your filter on a regular basis, then you’re probably right. For everyone else reading this blog, August is as good a time as any to contact Service Pros for our very thorough AC system cleaning and inspection service.acinspection

Let’s say, for example, you notice an uptick in your electricity bill from one month to the next. There’s a very good chance that’s being caused by at least a partially clogged filter. The dirtier and more clogged it gets the harder your system has to work to keep you cool, and that’s precisely what drives up electricity costs, sometimes to absurdly high levels.

Next, where is it written that preventative maintenance should be performed only in the spring? Not in any book we’ve ever read! Yes, spring is the ideal time to perform this service so we can thoroughly check things out and make sure your system is ready for the hot weather just around the corner. But if it slipped your mind or you’re noticing that your AC system doesn’t seem quite right, then it’s definitely a good idea to schedule service, and the sooner the better.

If there is something wrong with it that requires repair work, it’s only going to get worse with neglect. Plus, we give all our customers a guaranteed upfront price for all service and repair work so there are no surprises later on.

Bottom line, you should be able to get 15 – 20 productive years from your AC system. But unless you have it properly maintained from one year to the next, you’re probably going to need to lower your expectations.

Want the very best your AC system is capable of giving you? Then contact Service Pros today to schedule our multi-point AC cleaning and inspection service. You’ll be very glad you did.